Lemonade Stand

A couple Fridays ago when I was coming back to Paradise after interviewing with the Chico News and Review I ran across these fellas, Chandler and Cameron (From left to right).  These two brothers were running a Lemonade stand here in Paradise and because I always support new business ventures I had to get some cool refreshment from the heat.  They were aptly prepared with ice chilled lemonade and you even had a choice between yellow or pink.  They told me that that day before they made $40 dollars.  Which for them must have felt like a whole lot more.  Cars would come by and Chandler would call out to them and get their order, and Cameron would run up to the car with his hands full of sweet summer refreshment.  Watching them with their lemonade stand started me thinking on how easy it really is to start a business.  They did it very simply and easily.  Why is it that for so many of us older and "wiser" people it is so hard.  I wrestled for years before I finally had the courage to do it.  What I wish is that I was more like them.

Since I was coming back from the interview I had some freebies on hand that I gave the young entrepreneurs.  Cameron's brother Chandler took the other two buttons that didn't have hearts on them.  Cameron dissapointedly said, "What am I going to do with these buttons with hearts on them."  I replied, "Find a girl you like and give them to her."  Immediately a devious grin came over him and I could see his wheels turning, I know he had one, or possibly many in mind.

For a dollar a cup these boys were providing much more than lemonade.  I am really interested to know what they will be up to in the future.  They already have one key ingredient to success and that is the ability to venture.  And that simple quality is one that I feel many people never acquire.  Good luck lads, I see a bright future.
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